Product Marketing UX – Personal Loans

How do you create a high-conversion user experience?
Written By: Subir

Learn how to create a high-conversion marketing experience in financial services

SOFI is one of the most successful players in financial services, especially Personal Loans. So I investigated the persuasion blueprint behind their personal loans product marketing experience.

Walk through my insights, DOs and DON’Ts so you can launch your own high-conversion financial services user experience. 

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    Up-level your own financial service user experience

    5 steps to a high-conversion marketing experience

    1. Target the right customer

    A clear focus helps deliver a strong emotional connection. Because you can visualize whose problem you are trying to solve.

    SOFI focuses on a primary persona – a credit card holder struggling with debt. This helps them focus on the right content first then address other segments. Especially on Mobile – see Slide 16

    Design your experience for a single segment/persona FIRST before layering in a secondary persona

    2. Pick the right stage(s)

    People land on your page at different stages of the buying journey

    • Most Aware: Why now
    • Product Aware: Why Product A over B
    • Solution Aware: Why solution X not Y
    • Problem Aware: What are my options

    SOFI focuses on solution and product aware prospects over problem aware.

    That’s the right approach to take, because it’s impossible to answer questions across all stages. And by not falling into that trap, SOFI creates a persuasive experience for it’s most likely buyers.

    3. Blueprint your experience

    It’s overwhelming to create or review wireframes/visual designs.

    Because you are trying to solve for overall layout, content selection, prioritization and presentation format, copy etc. all at once.

    This leads to fatigue and poor decision-making

    START by building your persuasion ladder.
    Pick the right building blocks, then organize them (without content) to see how your blueprint walks a prospect from consideration to conversion. Especially on mobile.

    4. Create mobile prioritized UX

    It’s no longer enough to just be mobile-friendly. Mobile experiences need to use mobile functionality and be aware of limitations like reduced attention spans. 

    Competitive tables are a great example where they look great on desktop and horrible on mobile (see this blueprint). 

    SOFI shows how to create a great mobile prioritized experience that looks great on desktop AND mobile. Just steal what you see on Slide 16

    5. Run lean user testing

    I’m a big proponent of remote, moderated user testing. Having run hundreds of tests over the last 15 years, it is the best way to overcome bad assumptions, personal opinions. Especially the curse of knowledge.

    And use social platforms like Facebook groups and Nextdoor to find users cheaply and quickly.

    Use AB Testing only when you already understand the Why and want to test or validate options on a large scale. 


    I help teams attract and retain customers

    by sharing blueprints of successful and sucky digital experiences
    Picture of Hi. I'm a San Francisco based UX Pro.

    Hi. I'm a San Francisco based UX Pro.

    I founded UX for All to help you avoid the heartache that comes with creating product and marketing experiences. By simplifying both process and UIs.

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