UX and the experiential marketing organization

Simplify and speed up decision making

For: Change Makers, Marketers
Goal: Simplify decision making across multiple departments

Harvard Business Review in their Jul-Aug issue devotes a full section to the New Basics of Marketing (pp 54-70). The section around creating a common marketing language caught my attention.

The best marketing organizations, including those at Coca-Cola, Unilever, and the Japanese beauty company Shiseido, have invested in dedicated internal marketing academies to create a single marketing language and way of doing marketing.

As an evangelist of the business value of good user experience to people, this is something that helps me succeed, if it already exists OR I can partner with someone in the organization who’s in a position to influence this.

Then I save time on “Why this is good for you (role, team, department, division)”. Instead I get to spend more time on “How do we best implement it so we can measure-learn-iterate our way to success”.

This is one of the models that is being employed by large organizations to focus on customer touchpoints and outcomes.

  • Leader: CMOs and other marketing executives such as chief experience officers and global brand managers increasingly operate as the orchestrators, assembling cross-functional teams
  • Team – Source: Teams are drawn from marketing and other functions as well as from outside agencies and consulting firms
  • Team – Composition: Variable. Balancing of the mix of think, feel and do capabilities in accordance with the team’s goal.
  • Oversight: Orchestrators brief the teams, ensure that they have the capabilities and resources they need, and oversee performance tracking.

  • Leader: CMOs and other marketing executives such as chief experience officers and global brand managers increasingly operate as the orchestrators, assembling cross-functional teams
  • Team – Source: Teams are drawn from marketing and other functions as well as from outside agencies and consulting firms
  • Team – Composition: Variable. Balancing of the mix of think, feel and do capabilities in accordance with the team’s goal.
  • Oversight: Orchestrators brief the teams, ensure that they have the capabilities and resources they need, and oversee performance tracking.


I help teams attract and retain customers

by sharing blueprints of successful and sucky digital experiences
Picture of Hi. I'm a San Francisco based UX Pro.

Hi. I'm a San Francisco based UX Pro.

I founded UX for All to help you avoid the heartache that comes with creating product and marketing experiences. By simplifying both process and UIs.

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