What if you could create
a persuasive experience for your product
that grows your business quickly and profitably?
People – especially right now – are making all of their buying decisions online.
They’re choosing to buy based on your digital experience. Your website.
They are analyzing your entire businesses through the lens of your digital experience.
BEFORE they become your customer.
This was happening before the pandemic…
Now, the digital experience is even more crucial.
We’re all consumers, so let’s don the consumer hat for a minute.
As a consumer...
- Have you ever been so turned off by a company’s website that you couldn’t wait to move to the next tab?
- Ever get excited about a brand or product, gone to their site, browsed a page or two…and felt the excitement deflate?
- Or simply scratched someone off your list, because the website made it seem YOU were not the customer they were looking for?
The first thing we do as consumers is always the same
...we do our research
Whether or not the product can add value to our life. Or solve a nagging problem.
It is never just about how pretty the pages are.
Or just how well-written the copy is, or how many features the product has.
It is about the user experience that you went through
- Were your questions answered?
- Did the information help you make your decision?
- Did it seem like the product or service was “designed” just for you?
So much rests on your experience. Because...
Great experiences
trump great products
Take Spotify for example:
When Spotify launched, it offered much lower quality audio than what you got from your MP3 player – iPod, iPhone – and even the radio.
But you no longer had to spend hours finding, buying, downloading, uploading music, making playlists and all that jazz.
Spotify persuaded tens of millions of users that the experience of listening to music trumped the quality of the audio.
Even if you had to pay a monthly fee for the rest of your life.
iPod lost
MP3 Players lost
Spotify won
MP3 Players lost
Streaming won
Great experiences trump everything else
But what makes an experience GREAT?
Confession…I hate the word great. It’s overused and people use it the wrong way
Some use it to mean beautiful or modern design. Others fall for flashy features. Or even a bucket load of features, or just give up and say “Apple”.
Here’s how I see it…
A great experience effortlessly convinces you that Product X isn’t just any product . It is a solution you’ve been searching to find. And it can slide seamlessly into your workflow.
…without needing hours doing comparison shopping, watching how to videos or sales demos to make a buying decision.
…without needing much or any help to start using it.
A smile crosses your face when you find an experience like that. Anxiety gets replaced by happiness.
That’s how you feel when you encounter a great experience.
My simple question to you then, is…
Does your experience cut it?
Be honest with yourself...
…because if you’re not sure, you’re in the right place.
- Whether you have launched and are wasting time tweaking and A/B testing it
- Or if you are getting it ready to launch after months of hard work.
Creating the right experience is hard.

I have felt this pain for a long time… For the last 15+ years of being in the trenches with individuals and teams. Especially when you don't follow the right approach.
What’s NOT hard: making it pretty or adding a bunch of features
Getting it dialed just right is hard. Especially if you don’t follow the right approach
Polishing design, features, copy is the easy part…but getting it right, so customers start flowing in or even raising their hand.
This is where most people fail.
What do they do then?
99% try to find the magic bullet
Scrolling facebook groups endlessly, reading click-bait articles and long lists. Saving a bunch of one-off success stories, hoping one will work.
They get drowned in the cacophony of advice
- “It all comes down to the design”
- “Talk to your ‘user’”
- “Just copy what Brand X is doing”
- Just run more facebook ads OR Build a BIG email list OR try this new ‘shiny marketing tactic.’
- Run more Facebook ads – Build a bigger email list
Then some try everything they can think of.
From employing the best UX designers to imitating the most successful websites and apps, from wasting countless hours on useless A/B tests to wasting astounding amounts of money on the snazziest features..
But everything they try just takes them back…
To the same challenges, the same results
Because they didn’t realize that all the hacks cannot fix a wonky foundation. Users are moved to action – to buying – by persuasion. And that persuasion isn’t embedded in a pretty design or a cool feature.
Persuasion is embedded in the core of the experience. In the foundation
"How do I get the foundation right?"
What would happen if you used a simple approach, where persuasion was at the CORE of the approach?
Not an add-on. Not a marketing hack. Not something you think of AFTER turning on the ON switch, but built into the ON switch.
…even if you don’t know anything about persuasion…
…or think you can design experiences…
…whether you’re in a team of 1 or 20.
I know you want to turn on that switch.
One that grows your business grow and brings joy to your customers.
BUT this is where 99% of people choose the wrong option.

Copy a successful experience
Imitating, modelling or copying – whatever you call it…
When it comes to creating persuasive digital experiences that approach won’t cut it.
But if it worked for them, and I’m doing the same thing, won’t it work for me?
Unfortunately, no — for TWO reasons.
#1 – NEED Misalignment
Your product is likely targeting a different customer need than the digital experiences you’re trying to copy are.
That new start-up that’s getting all the buzz for their killer app? Well, their users are looking for different things than your users are, and they are behaving in different ways.
In order to see the impressive returns that you’re after, you’ll have to carve out the ideal persuasive experience for your users, not someone else’s.
Imitating their UX and expecting YOUR users to respond in the same way their users did is a misguided — but extremely common — mistake. Just ask Skype, when they tried to copy Snapchat lock stock and barrel. They lost thousands of customers to Slack and had to abandon their new design altogether.
#2 – RESULTS, What Results?
That company with the awesome experience that everyone’s talking about. Well, how do you know whether the experience is actually working?
Brand A copies Brand X
Shortly thereafter Brand X launches a new design because the old one didn’t work
Brand A is now saddled with an underperforming design
I have seen this so many times, I wish I could create a wall of shame, but that would be cruel. Especially when I think of the person or the team working their butt off, working on the product they believe in with all their heart.
Only to see a simple decision undo their blood, sweat and tears. Or, best case, only set them back a few months…
So if copying is not the answer, then what about plan B...

Hire a design agency/expert
Countless people in your shoes — overwhelmed by all the elements in the digital experience creation process, frustrated with the low performance levels they’re seeing — have looked to outside talent for help.
Now there is nothing wrong with that approach – you want to play to your strengths.
But what most do is go and hire design agencies, and what happens…
The design agencies/experts and firms are so caught up in the look of the experience — in the sparkly aesthetics and cool features we were talking about earlier — that they rarely dig deeper. They rarely get into the good stuff — into why users behave the way they do, and why your users might behave differently than their pre-conceived notions of ‘the user.’
And yes, some will have solid User Experience chops – but they will cost you upwards of $50K and take months, not a couple of weeks.
Best case – you end up with ‘UX Best Practices’ approach, not one rooted in persuasion. That part they leave up to you.
Can you afford that / either of those constraints?

GROUNDHOG DAY is why I know about all this
Because I have been in the trenches. I’ve been working as a UX professional for donkeys’ years. And these are the things I encounter year after year. Project after project. Conversation after conversation. Solopreneur, marketer or team leader.
It drives me NUTS. Because I have to extricate them from the quicksand they got sucked into.
When I tell my friends I’m stuck in Groundhog Day, they laugh. But it’s real for me.
And that’s why I want to talk about Option 3

Use a Persuasion blueprint as your experience foundation
What if YOU could create the right persuasion blueprint and apply it to the core conversion flows on your app or website?
What if this blueprint worked for people at different stages of their buying journey?
And you didn’t need any special tools or a background in behavior psychology to make it?
The truth is, you CAN create a persuasive digital experience that generates results. Without needing to copy someone’s experience and hack it endlessly. And without having to hire an agency to do it.
All you have to do is follow an easy step-by-step approach that has persuasion baked into its core. At the end, you’ll know how to position, write and design an experience that your target customer feels an instant affinity with. And that turns lookers into buyers.
And once you learn it, you’ll use it for life. In any industry, for any customer segment, for any model.
Why? Because I’ve tested it for you for the last 9 years.
A three-step approach with a persuasion blueprint at the heart of it. Going from understanding your customer all the way to creating high-persuasion page layouts.
Finally, YOU can create a persuasive experience that makes your business sing.
In a few weeks, not a few months.
The Persuasive Experience Blueprint
A one of a kind program from a working UX professional
A one-of-a-kind program — which, as someone who’s been a working UX professional in San Francisco for 15+ years, working with every size of business, I can attest to — and it was created for you.
I’ve worked with everyone from individual creators to tiny start-ups to Fortune 5 companies, and what I’ve learned through the years is that everybody needs a sherpa when it comes to digital experience.
You need a three-step training program that’ll streamline decision-making, let you actually understand your users’ behavior, and do that all without drowning you in useless detail.
Bite-sized lessons. Blueprints and design layouts that make it easy for you to apply what you learn. That’s what this training program is.
Because if you can’t apply it, then what’s the point?
You don’t have hours upon hours to spend learning something new – and you don’t need them. The Persuasive Experience Blueprint gives you everything you need. And it doesn’t waste your time doing it.
Let me show you…
Module One

Persuasive experience framework revealed...
- How an unknown brand convinced millions of small business owners to completely rethink marketing
- How a tiny startup took on Goliath and won despite a fraction of features
- The choice people make with their customer segments that ends up limits
- The universal persuasive experience framework these, and all successful experiences have in common
- The three-step framework that I’ve used and refined over 11 years with massive clients like Apple and eBay, and smaller clients like single-person, bootstrapped start-ups.
Module Two
Customer Journey

Persuasive experience framework revealed...
- The #1 reason that stunts growth — and distinguishes billion dollar start-ups from their failed competitors.
- How to avoid over-thinking and over-complicating your ideal customer segments and personas
- Speak directly to YOUR customer without wasting money on personalization tools or software
- Step by step approach to learn YOUR customers’ motivations, fears and barriers…without paying a cent
- How to understand your target customers better than 99% of your competition, in less time they do
Module Three
The Persuasive Experience Blueprint

Persuasive experience framework revealed...
- How an unknown brand convinced millions of small business owners to completely rethink marketing
- How a tiny startup took on Goliath and won despite a fraction of features
- The choice people make with their customer segments that ends up limits
- The universal persuasive experience framework these, and all successful experiences have in common
- The three-step framework that I’ve used and refined over 11 years with massive clients like Apple and eBay, and smaller clients like single-person, bootstrapped start-ups.
Module Four
UX Layouts

Persuasive experience framework revealed...
- Everything you need about content layout – what to include, when and where – and what format
- Understand when NOT to include something – and why this is something most people don’t think about
- How to prioritize your page for the three kinds of visitors – ready to buy, undecided and the risk-averse
- Over the shoulder walk-throughs of two of the big money page layouts so you can build your own quickly
- Choose the right way to test your layouts – most people get this very wrong
- My secret of structuring feedback sessions – to remove the fear of talking to your prospects or customers
Subir has the right combination of user experience expertise and business understanding. He helped us synthesize our branding, product marketing, and purchasing funnel into one coherent experience.

I’ll say this again…
You have nothing to lose.
But, as a career UX Strategist and Designer who’s seen businesses fail to grow – and sadly a few fail outright – because their digital experience wasn’t persuasive enough, believe me when I say that you have everything to gain.
Get the foundation of your persuasion right. Because your product needs to do the job you had in mind when you created it. Give it the experience it deserves, so you can put it in the hands of as many users as possible.
For just $249
For 15+ years of closely-held insights and secrets, that are yours for the asking.
This is it — this is your ticket. This is how you build your persuasive digital experience from the ground floor — it’s how you engage your users, revive your product’s performance, and alter the course of your business. Your life journey.
Follow the steps one time, build the digital experience one time, and watch the results pour in for years to come. SO. What are you waiting for?
SO. What are you waiting for?
All- Access Digital
for the first year
or $6 $1 for 4 weeks
- Unlimited access on the web and in our apps
- You consent to the use of cookies and tracking by us and third parties to provide you with personalized ads
Premium EU Ad-Free
for the first year
or $6 $1 for 4 weeks
- Unlimited access on the web and in our apps
- No on-site advertising or third-party ad tracking
- A bonus subscription to share
- Monthly 30-day digital passes to share
- Unlimited downloads of eBooks written by our journalists
Frequently Asked Questions
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Eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laboreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
- Make a list of consumer facing issues you are looking to solve
- Remove internal challenges from this list (operational, technical)
- Assign a business priority to this list (helps with buy-in)
- Tag this list with consumer personas to lorem ipsum
- Review your existing customer segments and personas
- Identify the top one or two segments for your research
- For each segment, create a simple persona
- Use internal knowledge to list out goals, motivations, and fears
- Identify gaps and areas of ambiguity
- Use your personas to recruit representative users
- Use social channels – Facebook or LinkedIn groups
- Use landing pages with google ads
- Ask usability labs to recruit and schedule users
- Schedule at least 5 users per segment

Imagine you’re a month into the future, and you have THE blueprint you need…
…built on a solid understanding of your target customer’s behaviors and actions
…aligned to their buying journey
…with the right story, copy and imagery that speaks to them
…delivered in an elegant, modern design – web and mobile.
You’re starting to see higher rates of conversion. Your bounce rate is dropping dramatically and other big metrics like time on site is increasing rapidly. People are taking action – downloads, opt-ins, sales, information requests.
WITHOUT you needing to baby your experience
OR being on chat going – “Hi how can I help you”
You’ve changed – become less stressed, more confident about your product, your business’s prospects.
You spend less time worrying, more time planning about the next big thing.
You know how to use your digital experience to tell the kind of brand story that your product deserves, and the kind of brand story that sticks in your users’ minds.
All this by taking this easy-as-pie, three-step training program.
Seriously, not being dramatic here – this is what’s on offer.
Predictable, … results. Delivered while you sleep, and work on the what you love doing.
The Persuasive Experience Blueprint is the sherpa you need to get to the top.
I asked you a simple question at the beginning, and I’m going to repeat it one more time now.
Does your current or planned digital experience cut it?
If you’re still reading, you know the answer already.
The question is will you follow the path of the 99% BEFORE you follow the right path, or will you take this opportunity now, not months from now, to make the right choice.
Because the longer you wait — the longer you keep your subpar digital experience running, or the longer you put off your launch date — the more users you’re failing to persuade.
Your customers aren’t waiting – they’re going with your competitors.
Don’t make it easy for your competitors to steal your users away.
Don’t make it easy for your users to exit your page -- to forget about your product
Take the leap to transforming your digital experience — and the journey you’re offering your users — now.
Because the truth is, it starts with you. You have the power to change everything.
So will you?
BECAUSE, at the end of this program, I want your answer to be
An unequivocal YES
I know that my digital experience is persuading users, converting leads, and retaining customers. I know that my decision-making processes are efficient, that my understanding of user behavior is rock-solid, and that my results are going to continue to grow, day after day.
So let us work our magic, together.
Just stop over-thinking this and DO IT ALREADY.