Product Marketing Blueprint Example – Emyth B2B Lead-gen UX


Business focused lead generation landing pages have two big challenges – engage a busy, overwhelmed prospect and explain a novel or complex product (or service) simply and quickly.
Emyth is a business coaching service and their user experience does a stellar job at persuading their customer segment that Emyth is the right solution for them.

I walk through the underlying persuasion blueprint to help YOU build a high-conversion UX/UI for your business lead-gen template.

First Impression

First impressions matter.

  • Emyth offers a modern, not dated site
  • Clean, open feel, edge-to-edge imagery – video of a person in an industrial setting
  • Great typography that draws attention to headings and subheads
    In the absence of a strong value prop, keep your top section simple and to the point.

People use navigation not only to get around a website, they also use it to get a sense of how easy the site will be to use.

And whether the starting points of the navigation align to their big questions.

  • Navigation is simple – a few items, not jargony, and easy to understand
  • Two calls to action – both with the word ‘Free’ I’m not a big fan of ‘Resources’ as I see that lead to low clicks. Free Guides would be more enticing.
    Setup your navigation as your customers’ primary journey starting points

Value Proposition

A value proposition aka brand positioning needs to engage.
Emotionally over everything else.

  • Their positioning is emotional and persuasive – take back your life, every business starts wth a dream, we’ll help you achieve yours… gets to the core of a busy entrepreneur’s life.

  • It’s emotional because for many entreprener the business has taken over their lives and they feel trapped. So this aligns perfectly with those who think coaching is the right solution for them

    Value Proposition

  • When I read the positioning and the copy below proven systems it tells me they are targeting someone who is solution-aware.

  • This focus is important for you on your site because it helps you define how much you should explain. So you don’t either under explain or over explain which leads to analysis paralysis

Headline Feature

Use your headline feature to build a bridge from your value proposition to your product/service’s features and benefits.

  • Their headline feature is here – proven systems, personal mentor
  • They convey two important things
    • 1:1 coaching, so not group coaching
    • System behind the coaching, so your coach will be using an approach they have seen work before


Highlight your key features and use icons or a secondary visual style for less important features.

  • Moving to the solution features, they are nicely presented. The copy aligns the feature to the user goal superbly
  • Each of these 4 buckets are the four key pillars of an entrepreneur running a business. So they’re doing a really good job of targeting the key problems. And answering them in the form of solutions

Proof – Rational

The ONE big thing people look from B2B focused testimonials is whether this will be easy to implement and/or integrate with their existing products and workflows

  • Even with 40 years and millions of owners, their 1:1 coaching raises some questions:
    • How many clients does a coach work with?
    • Will they have time for me if I’m not big enough?
    • Especially all the logos are really big organizations.
      These are the kind of questions you need to think about when you furnish your proof points.


The new ‘fold’ is the middle of your long scrolling page.

At this point, we’re midway through the persuasion ladder, if I left, I would leave with two strong impressions. They do focus on business coaching. So I’m very clear on who they work with business owners.
So in that the first half the page overall is doing a good job in getting me interested in getting me interested enough and coming back.

Proof – Emotional

This is a great presentation of proof – real faces, hover over text so you don’t have to watch the video or even click to read the whole story.

  • Even then my big question is do I have to be in million $ range to get a high-quality coach – who’s not swamped…

Call to Action

Consistency is key for calls to action. Limit how many different calls to action you have on a single page.

  • There are several calls to action just in the top half of the page.
  • With too many calls to action there’s a danger that someone just clicks the one in whichever section they are in. And that might not lead to a conversion.


For Business-focused products, integration time and workflow compatibility are key objections you need to address.

  • They really don’t handle any objections on this page

  • How much of a time or $ investment am I looking at?

  • What does it take to find out whether we’re a good fit – an assessment, a call. How long does it take to get going? Where’s a link to that info?

    Customer Journey

  • Fit with coaching is extremely important

  • Overall, they’re doing a good job with selecting a solution-aware visitor. The one who gets the need and value that a coach brings

Where they could be doing better is getting more into what kinds of entrepreneurs are a good fit for them.

Customer Journey

High-conversion pages always target a specific stage of the customer buying journey.

  • It’s clear they are targeting business owners, active business owners
  • But it’s not clear what type of entrepreneur – 1st time, Repeat. And what’s the starting revenue bracket?

Persuasion Ladder

Overall, how well does the user experience do in guiding the visitor through to conversion or completion?

  • Overall this page does a great job with story telling
  • It aligns its features with user goals and shows them how their product can get them back to their original dream – not just growth
    Emyth’s overall sequencing is on-point with a couple of minor issues that impede it’s conversion score.

I help teams attract and retain customers

by sharing blueprints of successful and sucky digital experiences

Picture of Hi. I'm a San Francisco based UX Pro.

Hi. I'm a San Francisco based UX Pro.

I founded UX for All to help you avoid the heartache that comes with creating product and marketing experiences. By simplifying both process and UIs.

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