Master running a Design Thinking workshop

Unlock your team's potential using this step-by-step checklist from a results-driven UX trainer.

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Get results from a design thinking workshop

The exact steps I use when running workshops for my clients - big or small

Make a persuasive business case

Most teams suffer from friction. Steal these talking points to persuade executives to sell-in the workshop and attract the right attendees.

Plan your workshop

Surgically focus on the number of goals, problems and attendees to set your workshop for success..

Get the logistics right

Setup your event (In-person or Online) and plan for curveballs - so you come out smiling no matter what.

Run a successful workshop

A design thinking workshop should be a change agent, not a snooze-fest

Create actionable insights

Capture insights big and small and socialize them for maximum impact and visibility.

A track record of results

My workshops consistently receive rave reviews - thanks to this checklist


He engaged our group with a balanced mix of presentation and hands-on group activities. We left with tangible design tips and insights that were immediately applicable to helping us improve application conversion and our onboarding experience.

Elaine Harman

VP Digital
Patelco Product Team Workshop

Your source: A practicing UX Pro

San Fancisco based, 20+ years of experience

As a practicing UX trainer and designer it pains me when I see guidesthat have gaps or a haphazard mix of stuff.

Most design thinking workshops fail to create a lasting impact because of a lot of little mistakes, that are easy to correct.

I’ve spent 20+ years in the trenches helping my clients fix broken processes, change mindsets and grow both products and people efficiently.

My goal is to help you avoid mistakes and remove the fear and anxiety that comes with running a successful workshop.

I hope this checklist helps your journey.